February "Tiki" Anal Gland Success Case #1
This sweet girl is Tiki, a 3 year old Chihuahua/Shiba Inu and one of our February 2018 Pets of the Month! This is what Tiki's mom had to say about using Glandex for her...
"It works!"
"Glandex seems to be working well for Tiki. She's had to have her anal glands expressed about every six weeks since she was a puppy. I started giving her Glandex about 6 months ago with limited success, but per the instructions on the website I'm now giving her a double dose. (At 24 lbs her weight is at the high end of the dose I had been giving her. )  It's been over two months now and she hasn't yet had to go back to the vet! She loves the taste of both the powder and the chews. The wipes are great, too!" Mary Watkeys & Tiki
Interesting Facts - Found as a stray at 4 months old at an abandoned house. Favorite things are long hikes in the woods, squeaky toys, and stealing socks from the laundry.