October 'Tallulah' Anal Gland Success Case
This beautiful girl is Tallulah. She is a 7-month-old Dachshund. Tallulah is our October 2019 Glandex® Pet of the Month! This is what her mom had to say about using Glandex® for her...
"We had only had her for about 2 weeks when we noticed that her anal glands leaked. It ended up being a weekly ordeal and the vet said that she would have this issue for LIFE. I couldn't imagine having to drive and pay to get them expressed WEEKLY! I researched and researched and found Glandex. I was VERY doubtful this would even work. Once my bottle came, I was excited and started immediately. She LOVES the special treat on top of her food. Just a tiny bit of powder a day and she is GREAT! I love that the bottle even breaks it down how long it should last. Glandex is THE BOMB!"  – Jill
Interesting Facts About Tallulah:She loves playing hide-n-seek, with ANY toy, and copying anything her 2 doxie sisters do. She is into everything, but we love her bunches! She even tried to friend a baby copperhead in our backyard and was bit. She was not happy about her hospital stay, but is back to her funny self now!